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Friday, October 11, 2013

More Photos From John Oshin! (Will Caption Tomorrow!)

Here are some more photos from John Oshin! These are a tribute to Ridgewood friends that stayed friends! Did I hear that Peter Appert may come to the reunion?!

I'll post some more of John's photos before the reunion. Thanks for sending them John and for your patience in me to get them posted. I will caption them after they're posted.

Above hiking in the Sierra Mountains near Peter Appert's vacation home. L to r Peter Appert, Chris Li, John Oshin, Eve Romm and Tom Lyon.

Above Mary Jo Macchi at Peter Appert's house.

Above on Block Island l to r front row: Ann Appert and Peter Appert. Second row l to r: John Oshin, Bill Catus, Chris Li and Holly Bogdanffy.Eve Romm Catus, Third row l to r: Eve Romm, Tom Lyon and non-RHS friends.

Above Eve Romm at Peter Appert's house in Ridgewood.

Above Peter Appert's Ridgewood home celebrating party for Ann Appert. L to r: Kelly Daniel Lappan, Bill Catus, Eve Romm Catus, Chris Li and Peter Appert.

Above New Year's at John Oshin's parents house. L to r Melanie Teasley, Holly Bogdanffy, John Oshin, Kelly Daniel Lappan, Tom Lyon and Chris Li.

Above l to r Agnes Rymer and her husband Colm Quinn.

Above l to r John Oshion and Melanie Teasley at Melanie's home.

Above seated l to r: ?, ?, Bill Catus, Eve Romm with daughter, Jihn Oshin, ?, Hallie Teasley and Holly Bogdanffy. Standing l to r: Chris Li, Tom Lyon, ?, Bill Lappan, Kelly Daniel Lappan, Peter Appert, ?, Agnes Rymer, Melanie Teasley, Jen Santangelo (Melanie's partner), Mary Leach, ?, Michael Bogdanffy-Kriegh (Holly's husband) and ?. Children on the ground are non RHS friends as are the question marks.

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